In which I try give my beloved little sister some confidence, with the help of Cielu and Sebaschan
You are beautiful
Hear that?
You are unique, one of a kind, a miracle in the flesh. You are you and should be proud to show it off.
In all the seven billion (and counting) people on the planet, there is only one of you~
You are special and you should be confident in yourself because, no matter what you do, there will always, always be people who love you.
In life, there will always be people who, because of jealously, will try and get you down. They'll say hurtful accusations, laugh at you, talk behind your back. But you just have to remember, these people are only a small percent of the people spread out across the planet. Besides this says everything about them and nothing about you. This shows that the person is unhappy with themself and, instead of dealing with their own problem, they choose to take out their unhappiness on other people. When this happens, we simply pick up our heads and laugh,
Because, at the end of the day, nobody is perfect, and everyone is human. We all feel upset, get angry, feel depressed, feel incredibly excited, feel demotivated, feel proud, feel disappointed. It's all part of life, and sometimes we think no one understands and that everyone is out to get us, life is getting us down, that we're just a burden to those we love. Do not despair, everyone at some point feels like this, but you have a choice on what to do with those feelings. You can either be stubborn and refuse the help of those around you, or you can learn to work with those feelings and enjoy them, because they are all part of the experience, we wouldn't be human without them.
You should never ever give one single care to what other people think of you. If you wanna wear a completely outrageous and gorgeous outfit, (like I always do ♥) .Then do it. If people stare then so what, if you are happy, then it does not matter what other people are thinking. Besides, thoughts happen inside people's head if I am not mistaken, therefore, you have no actual proof of what people are thinking, they could be thinking "Ohmytableflippinggosh that is one butt-kicking outfit right there."
Be an optimist
Because after a while, pessimism leaves your face and outlook on life
Quite changed.
So when that small little voice inside your head is telling you to give up or refuse someone's help or to be stubborn, simply booty-kick that voice sky-high, preferably to the moon.
Quite changed.
So when that small little voice inside your head is telling you to give up or refuse someone's help or to be stubborn, simply booty-kick that voice sky-high, preferably to the moon.
Because you are bewtiful okay?