Tuesday, 23 December 2014


Most things i conceal onto paper I consider to only be read by myself and the same with this here blog. Things written here probably don't interest most. I don't consider myself to be an interesting person and even if I was, I would have a hard time showing it to others. When I first started writing, I felt very uncomfortable thinking that everything I wrote was childish and plit less.  Unfortunately I see myself moving no further, however my romantic view of life is one thing that helps me cope and I would be sad to let it go. Sometimes you have to do things you don't like. I of all people should know this rule like the back of a chewed pencil. Therefore I shall continue to write and rid myself of the guilty persona that hangs above my shoulders. 
This year, as always has sped by in the quickest blink of the eye. I am 16 years old now. I live in Rio De Janeiro Brazil. I speak a little Portuguese. I attend an American school and shall graduate from an American school.  This situation is so vastly different from what I imagined at the beginning of 2014. I have spent more than half the year sleeping in hotels and rental apartments,  I have packed up my clothing more times than I have fingers and toes to count. So many thing have been lost or broken, forgotten and stumbled upon.  My taste in music and fashion has changed. My view on the education has not changed. I am growing my hair longer. I still sleep with the same teddy bear I have had since I was 8 years old. My vocabulary has grown. My age has changed yet my foot size is still the same. I have almost stopped growing. This year I had to watch my best friend grow up and change without me from half a cross the world, 5 hours ahead of me. This year I have learnt to give a power point presentation in front of a class of judgemental teenagers who are filled with self pity and lack righteousness. I still find it hard to sleep. But i still try wake up wih a positive outlook.