Long time no post! I have definitely realized how important my blog is to me and each day I didn't write in it i felt sadder and sadder. The reason for not writing for so long you ask? I am home! Home in my own room where I don't have 5 people snoring beside me. Home where I can shower in my own bathroom and not have to worry about touching the sides of the shower because they are as clean as anything. I could write many more sentences about why I am so happy to be back in Cape Town but that is probably not of any interest to you lot (sniff). Anyway, this particular post is all about our day in Seoul, the South Korean capital, which we stayed in for just a day until our plane was going to take off, which happen to be at 12:00am.
We had already decided that we were to go to Insadong, a street that includes many authentic shops that are fun to window shop, yet the shopkeepers were not impressed at us drooling and breathing on their windows. To get to Insadong you could :Take a taxi, walk, hire a car, or to those who like a sense of adventure and have a good talent for directions, could take a subway. We,of course, took the last option and strutted out of the hotel in a duck line daddy duck, mommy duck, amber duck, ruby duck and river duck. We looked as though we were going to the North Pole what with our gloves and hats and knitted scarves , but it was all worth it because it was freeeeezing once we stepped outside and the wind contributed to the -2 degrees. The subway station wasn't too hard to find (thank goodness) and the parents went to sort out tickets while Thing one and Thing 2 posed for a picture.
I say we go that way. |
Ticket machine |
Ruby doing a pose. Heehee |
I had a feeling it would come to this.... |
One of the worst sights. Humans..... |
The view from the train. |
Oh river ..... |
Halfway we had to get off the train to switch. A robot demo was going on and they were very cute. |
I cans moves my arms. |
What's she giving birth to? An elephant? |
Luke I am your father!! |
Fake hair anyone? |
Best find of the day. |
Even Brad Pitt is a vegetarian! |
Cheeeese! |
Christmas |
Hot tea on a cold day. |
The graffiti on the walls were just too cool to leave out. |
Yup that's me :) |
Christmas posters |
Sweating eggs. Never gets old. |
One of my favourite pieces. |
Yip that's my dad. |
Not the finger!! |
Awesome pics