When we moved into our new house here in Dubai, there seemed to b a few added extra items that came with the house. Spiggy and the well known Sushi-cat. They seemed to take a liking to us and every morning they are meowing at the door. If the see you or even hear you they start their chorus. It's prreety creepy. Anyways, his morning they were especially loud, so loud in fact, that they woke me up before my cursed- alarm clock could. I don't think he was too happy about that, well buddy, welcome to the club.

Those cats can get away with pretty much anything. All they have to do is pull the puppy eye trick. Although in this case I guess it's the "kitty" eye trick.

Looook into my eyes!! RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!!
See what I mean?! It's not just cats that do it either! Kids do it too. "Mommy, please can i have this Lego set?" "No" then he just pulls out the eyes and BAM! That kid just got a new Lego set. This is NOT funny. I think we have a real crisis on our hands! Someone should so something about it.....
My cat definitely know about that trick!