Sunday, 6 May 2012


It's Monday.Again. I am sitting here in English trying to "understand poetry" and concocting something good to write.
I think something is wrong with my watch because time is literally flying over here. The beginning of each week starts all enthusiastic like this "OH YEAH! IT'S MONDAY!" then it goes "WHOOO TUESDAY!"
then "Yay! Wednesday" then " Ugh...Thursday??" then "Holy mac it's Friday!" then Saturday and Sunday scream by and I am stuck with "Oh great! It's Monday!!" (note the eyes rolling).
This weekend, however, I had a goal: To sleep in past 7:00. Pfffffft. Fat chance. It was 6:30 and I was already staring at the ceiling, bored. I scrunched my eyes and tried to send messages to my brain telling it to go to sleep. My brain was already "up an at 'em " though so resistance was futile. I tried anyways. I ignored the messages my brain was sending me like "Get up!" and "the day has just started!" when those failed to work my brain decided to try and make me feel guilty by telling me that I was "being to lazy for a 13 year old" and " if I wanted to continue being awesome I had better get off this bed right now." I tried telling my brain to shut up but that never works does it? The ironic thing is, come Monday when my alarm goes off my brain is all like " Nooooooo! I don't want to get up" and I am all like "Yeeeees I must get up" and I have a silent argument in my head that usually lasts for 10 minutes.Then I realize that i am being a complete dork and rush downstairs to enjoy the rest of the morning.
You see, the only reason i get up early is to have some "peace and quiet" (not likely because the kids next door are screaming and the cats are meowing) before I have to trudge back upstairs and do some Algebra. Lately, however, Thing 1 and Thing 2 have been getting up early , I have a theory that they are doing this just to annoy me, and so I cannot enjoy my mornings as I used to. 

But anyways... I need to be going because I have a "life" and a "reputation to hold up" (yeah right) so TTFN. 

Ps. Those of you who do not know what TTFN means, it is time to back to watching Tigger.

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