Tuesday 9 July 2013

A stand for Women

Dear humanity,

Women are here for a purpose,
Not for staying at home,
Taking care of the daily chores,
And rearing the future generation.
It takes two to Tango,
And two to create,
The beautiful people,
That surround us today.
Women should not be treated as merely objects,
Toys at society’s disposal.
Women should not be disgraced,
Or their purpose undermined.
Women should be respected,
They are not weaklings that are always needed to be saved
By some man in shining armour,
Women are strong alone,
And even stronger together.
Women should be treated equally,
For they are just the same as men,
Humanity is one,
Regardless of race or gender,
We are all made of stardust,

So let us shine together.

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