Tuesday 24 September 2013

-Sparkle Sparkle-

Weeeeell hello ~

We are going back to Seoul tomorrow (Everland here we coooome  ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆)

So, before we go.... I wanted to catch y'all up on what I've been doing~

1. Watched all the epiodes of Dangan Ronpa. I hated this, first, I layed my eyes on Junko 

 she was instantly my fav.... 

and then she goes and DIES 

And then I find out that she is actually isn't dead and is the mastermind of the whole thing!

So... it was a rather big feelz trip.


Allow me to introduce~ the newest member of my evergrowing bear circus!

And now~ other things I have been procrastinating with

Ene~ Ene~ ENE!

Well well~ Over and out 

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