Aaaaahhhh.... Nothing beats just lounging on the couch, reading a really fantastic book, still in your P.Js. This is why I love Saturdays and Sundays. There is no rush to get dressed and shove down food only to be greeted with a science test and 50 algebra worksheets. But, Saturdays are my favourite because you still get the pleasure of knowing that tomorrow shall be the same. On Saturday I only woke up at 8 and then just lay on the couch reading until creature 1 and creature 2 got up and demanded that the T.V be on. The T.V here is all in korean apart from the Cebeebies and the Kids-Talk-Talk which is teaching korean children how to speak english. The Disney Channel is also in korean so all you can do is mute it and try to make out what they are saying by the way they talk. Not that fun. So I am stuck watching little people in odd costumes flying and singing songs that always get stuck in your head for the next two weeks. At least the creatures aren't annoying me.
Once mom gets up we have a leisurely breakfast and then make plans for the day. There are not that many things to do on the small island of Geojie, especially without a car, so our choices are narrowed down to the park (3.5 kms away), or we could wait until dad got here and he could take us somewhere but this was hard because he only got a tiny amount of lunch break so as soon as you arrive at the chosen destination and unpacked everything you have to repack everything and go home.
We decide to walk to the park and bring along the scooter and my "new" bike to make it all the more fun.So we pack our bags and get ready for the expedition.It's quite a drama to get the little ones ready because they never want to listen and are always forgetting everything but soon we are outside the apartment and setting off. Down the round, past the homplus and we walk by the waters edge, I am ahead riding my bike but suddenly my mother screams and when i turn around to see what has hapened I see my sister tumbling onto the floor and a korean man on a scooter riding past her. My mother again screams and so do I, tears already falling even though I hardly know what has happened. I push down my bike and sprint towards the scene where mother already has my sister in her lap and the korean man is saying something we really can't understand. I feel like hitting him and even though I don't get along with my sister that well sometimes I was not impressed. Fortunatley she got by with only a few scrapes but iff she was permanently damadged i don't think any of us would have forgiven ourselves.We soon had a whole crowd gatheres around us, all on the their phones and talking to each other. It's times like these when I wish I had some sort of button that I could push that would allow me to instantly understand what they are saying. The police arrive and try to question us but hand actions don't really get the point across. All we know is that this same dude will probably wake up tomorrow, get on his scotter and ride down the same pavement again, not al all worried about hitting some poor child again. We call dad and he takes us home where we all pamper my sister and try to forget about the days adventures.
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