Thursday, 27 October 2011

Post number the 6

I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. What's after Friday? 2 days of doing whatever I like without a single thought towards school work. Phew. I simply can't wait to sit around, knit, read, and just lounge about without a care. But first, Friday. Commas, Tense Consistency, Golgi Apparatus, 1895, Jameson Raid. All these things are floating around my head and making it burst. I quite like school and learning new things but I hardly ever get time to do the things I enjoy. "You have a test tomorrow on why tests are important" or " You have an assignment on the origin of soap". Boring with a capital B. Anyway...something on the more interesting side.
A phase is going round in our family which is called 'Tickley under the armpit' . No explanation needed. But for those with no idea what I am talking about: When mom are dad are sitting at the table having an intense and important conversation about some world crisis,you sneak behind them and when the stretch or if they are relaxing with their arms stretched out you go up tickle them under the armpits screaming "tickleyunderthearmpits!". We just love it because they always get such a fright and vow to get you back. So no one stretches while the two little ones are on the prowl. The days are gone where you can relax on the couch with your arms above your head because you are bound to get "Tickled under the armpit". Kids these days.

Otherwise, days here have been long and inactive. Nothing exciting happening here. Nope.


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