The worst part of a holiday is the coming home part. You feel so happy to be home, to be in your own house and get back into routine yet you feel that you left a small portion of your heart in that faraway country and that you want to go back, to be with all those people again , to be able to relax. It is a bitter-sweet thought which i am thinking right now. Even though we have been home for a week i still feel like i am in Thailand, swimming with the sharks, lying on the sand and being bitten by millions of mosquito on the same spot. The holiday was well needed and more than anyone expected. The first day we arrived on the island (after a 10 hour over-night train and a 2 hour speedboat ride) we headed straight to our little beach bungalows, dumped all our bags, donned on some sun cream and went to the beach (which was literally on our front doorstep). It was unbelivably peaceful, warm and before i knew it i was asleep. I had never fallen asleep on the beach before and so was unexperienced on the art that is beach sleeping so when i woke up i felt extremly hot on my back and incredibly uncomfortable. I walked inside to the mirror and tried to find the source of dicomfort. As soon as i turned my back to the window i almost jumped from surprise and humiliation. My back just looked like one, huge overripe tomato and hurt like hot coals. I groaned inwardly as well as outwardly.
Mistake number 1) NEVER fall asleep on the beach
My second mistake was wearing my boardshorts for most of the trip. I worked up a terrible rash my my thigh that hurt whatever i was wearing. I woke up on morning and it was so sore i had to waddle around like a penguin.
My third mistake was to get over excited about seeing a shark while snorkeling with my mom. We were just about to get out to rest on the rocks when my mom tugged on my arm and there, swimming right too us was a nice sized black tip reef shark. I almost fainted with joy. I had been looking out for sharks the whole trip but had seen nothing. Mom started to chase after it and i raced after her, using a combination of both my flippers and my arms to go extra speedy. We chased after him for a while but he soon swam over a rock and we stopped, feeling happy with our outcome. I would later find out that I was actually the person chasing the shark ... away. Mom said she was on stealth mode, sleek as a seal when suddenly she heard something that sounded like a small motor boat. Me. Obviously I was concentrating too hard on catching up with the shark that i forgot to put myself on stealth mode. Oh well..
Anyways.. here are some pictures of our holiday.
The overnight train |
Tooooo early! Brain cannot compute. |
Beach on our doorstep. |
Oh dad.... :) |
Monkies |
Island friends |
The view |
Smiley face ! :) |
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