Monday 1 October 2012

I'm Back!

Hello all my little minions, I'm back! :) The past month(s?) I haven't even been able to think about my blog let alone type a post. Moving, packing, unpacking,leaving things behind, saying goodbye, saying hello, sleeping in my own bed. We have moved back home now (GOODBYE Dubai!) and these past few weeks have been filled with.... stuff. But now we are back home, once again, and it feels blissfully awesome.

Anyways, another reason I haven't been writing is because there was absolutely NO inspiration in Dubai at all unless I could find an idea to humor you all while staring at a pile of dry desert sand. 

But now I am home so look forward to a bunch of new posts!

What? You want a new post right now? Well sorry,here is a funny picture to cheer you all up :D

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