Tuesday, 4 December 2012

The little Bird that could

The little bird sat on the window ledge
And looked at the vast starry sky
"If only I could reach them" he said
"if only I could learn how to fly"

The little bird jumped off a bucket
A railing jutting out to the sea
A bench sitting on the pier
Each time saying "I believe"

The little bird knew he could do it
Reach right out to those stars
He would go far beyond
Past Earth the asteroids and Mars
He knew he had to do it
He wanted to see, to touch
The stars the planets, Space
He only knew of that much

On day the little bird jumped
Much higher than ever before
He flapped his wings for a minute
Before he started to fall
The little bird lay on his back
And looked at the stars above
And he touched that star with his heart
And he soared with the power of his love

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