Wednesday, 17 April 2013

5 days

The countdown begins! It's only 5 days until we have to leave to the holy grand city of socks a.k.a South Korea, or, to be precise, the tiny, tiny, tiny,  island of Geojie. 
Because of my very poorly timed exams ( curse the education system) I now have to pack and study at the same time. It's an art I have mastered and even named, I call it: stacking. Let me give you an example: Last night, while packing my clothes into an extremely small bag, I was learning about the production, stages and harvest of wheat. Very intriguing stuff that is, let me be the first to tell you. If you ask me, I think it's a win-win solution!
I'll be honest with you now, I am not ecstatic to be moving back to Korea. I do like it here, my room, my bed, my pillow, my books, my crafting stuff, my shower... yeah... now I really don't wanna go. I don't have too many goodbyes to say, seeing as I don't have a whole army of friends.. I am not sure if this is a good or bad thing. Anyways, moving onwards from my very small social life. Lets get back to the feels. 
I guess it's not going to be so bad because we've already lived there.. so we know kinda, sorta, not really know where everything is. I mean, we've got our local sock shop, tayaki stall, Paris Baguette, and random-let's-store-everything-ever-invented shopping market. And we can kinda,sorta,not really speak Korean already so that won't be all bad either. Yip things look pretty good so far ( _ _。)
Oh but before we get too happy, there is one more thing to take into consideration: the flight... of doom. Yes everyone , the flight of doom. Over 14 hours of sitting next to some stranger who snores and keeps putting his arm on your arm rest and the constant need to pee.  Pretty much my worst nightmare....( ̄ー ̄;)

Well guys, I better go, I've got some more stacking to do 

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