Thursday 23 May 2013


It's weird to think that this time tomorrow I'll be, once again, getting ready to board a plane. We've only been in Korea for a month ( happy one-month anniversary me~ (⌒▽⌒) )  
and now we are going on a ho-li-day to Thailand. We will be staying in Bangkok for my Brother's fab-u-lus birthday day which he hasn't stopped yapping about for the whole week. Then we will take a plane  (╥_╥)
then an overnight train ( ╥﹏╥)
then a bus  o(╥﹏╥)o
then a ferry  (;*△*;)
then a taxi  ( TДT)

We will finally arrive on the glorious island of Koh Tao which is a light year away from any supermarket and there is not a mode of transport in sight. One whole month of lying on the beach, swimming with the fishes and reading until my eyes cross. However, I have to admit, I am not completely ecstatic to go to Thailand. Reason 1: We only JUST got here.. I feel a bit weird setting foot on another country so soon. Reason 2: It is always so stressful when we go on holiday.. it's not like a holiday at's more like  whatarewegoingtoeattodayohmygoshmytoeisbleedingwhydoesn'tthisguyspeakenglishwemissedthetrainyoucan'tsleepnowwejustlandedwoahthat'sagiantbug- a-day. But it's gonna be fun, as long as I don't get sunburnt like the last time, or chase away a shark by singing mission impossible through my snorkel... otherwise, it's gonna be great (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜

Over and out ~

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