Tuesday, 4 December 2012

The little Bird that could

The little bird sat on the window ledge
And looked at the vast starry sky
"If only I could reach them" he said
"if only I could learn how to fly"

The little bird jumped off a bucket
A railing jutting out to the sea
A bench sitting on the pier
Each time saying "I believe"

The little bird knew he could do it
Reach right out to those stars
He would go far beyond
Past Earth the asteroids and Mars
He knew he had to do it
He wanted to see, to touch
The stars the planets, Space
He only knew of that much

On day the little bird jumped
Much higher than ever before
He flapped his wings for a minute
Before he started to fall
The little bird lay on his back
And looked at the stars above
And he touched that star with his heart
And he soared with the power of his love

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Halloween and Crafts

Hi everybody! Everybody knows tomorrow is Halloween. What are you doing this year?

Here are some pictures of what I have been making, enjoy <3

An old suitcase I found at a market. It was just screaming to become a wool closet. 

Can anyone guess who this is going to be? 

For my octopus loving mother

I made these for my sister

My first cross stitch <3

This way!

Cute ne?
Have a great Halloween everybody!

Monday, 1 October 2012

I'm Back!

Hello all my little minions, I'm back! :) The past month(s?) I haven't even been able to think about my blog let alone type a post. Moving, packing, unpacking,leaving things behind, saying goodbye, saying hello, sleeping in my own bed. We have moved back home now (GOODBYE Dubai!) and these past few weeks have been filled with.... stuff. But now we are back home, once again, and it feels blissfully awesome.

Anyways, another reason I haven't been writing is because there was absolutely NO inspiration in Dubai at all unless I could find an idea to humor you all while staring at a pile of dry desert sand. 

But now I am home so look forward to a bunch of new posts!

What? You want a new post right now? Well sorry,here is a funny picture to cheer you all up :D

Monday, 23 July 2012


The worst part of a holiday is the coming home part. You feel so happy to be home, to be in your own house and get back into routine yet you feel that you left a small portion of your heart in that faraway country and that you want to go back, to be with all those people again , to be able to relax. It is a bitter-sweet thought which i am thinking right now. Even though we have been home for a week i still feel like i am in Thailand, swimming with the sharks, lying on the sand and being bitten by millions of mosquito on the same spot. The holiday was well needed and more than anyone expected. The first day we arrived on the island (after a 10 hour over-night train and a 2 hour speedboat ride) we headed straight to our little beach bungalows, dumped all our bags, donned on some sun cream and went to the beach (which was literally on our front doorstep). It was unbelivably peaceful, warm and before i knew it i was asleep. I had never fallen asleep on the beach before and so was unexperienced on the art that is beach sleeping so when i woke up i felt extremly hot on my back and incredibly uncomfortable. I walked inside to the mirror and tried to find the source of dicomfort. As soon as i turned my back to the window i almost jumped from surprise and humiliation. My back just looked like one, huge overripe tomato and hurt like hot coals. I groaned inwardly as well as outwardly.

                        Mistake number    1) NEVER fall asleep on the beach

My second mistake was wearing my boardshorts for most of the trip. I worked up a terrible rash my my thigh that hurt whatever i was wearing. I woke up on morning and it was so sore i had to waddle  around like a penguin.

My third mistake was to get over excited about seeing a shark while snorkeling with my mom. We were just about to get out to rest on the rocks when my mom tugged on my arm and there, swimming right too us was a nice sized black tip reef shark. I almost fainted with joy. I had been looking out for sharks the whole trip but had seen nothing. Mom started to chase after it and i raced after her, using a combination of both my flippers and my arms to go extra speedy. We chased after him for a while but he soon swam over a rock and we stopped, feeling happy with our outcome. I would later find out that I was actually the person chasing the shark ... away. Mom said she was on stealth mode, sleek as a seal when suddenly she heard something that sounded like a small motor boat. Me. Obviously I was concentrating too hard on catching up with the  shark that i forgot to put myself on stealth mode. Oh well..

Anyways.. here are some pictures of our holiday.

The overnight train

Tooooo early! Brain cannot compute.

Beach on our doorstep.

Oh dad.... :)


Island friends

The view

Smiley face ! :)

Saturday, 9 June 2012

I am so excited!

Well, tomorrow is Sunday and Sunday means..... HOLIDAY! Never have I been so excited for a holiday in my entire life. I think it is partially because I am quite tried of Dubai and am excited to get some new inspiration in THAILAND. Thailand is always amazing to visit, no matter how many times you go. And we have been quite a few :D. My room is filled with things that have to get packed into a bag and mom says we are going 'light' but I am curious to see how a family of five are going to go 'light' (note the huggers). Anyways, this will be my 23rd international plane flight (geeky dance of awesomeness) and I will be keeping record and taking pictures of my families adventurous adventures and posting them when I come back home, which will only be in a month so you guys are just going to have to feeeel and wait and contain the suspense. This month will probably be filled with hilarious tales, bad luck, and good times. I am going to put the next statement in caps lock to show the true meaning: I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!  (the over-used exclamation marks should also show my enthusiasm and excitement). Well, until next month my fellow readers. xxx

Sunday, 6 May 2012


It's Monday.Again. I am sitting here in English trying to "understand poetry" and concocting something good to write.
I think something is wrong with my watch because time is literally flying over here. The beginning of each week starts all enthusiastic like this "OH YEAH! IT'S MONDAY!" then it goes "WHOOO TUESDAY!"
then "Yay! Wednesday" then " Ugh...Thursday??" then "Holy mac it's Friday!" then Saturday and Sunday scream by and I am stuck with "Oh great! It's Monday!!" (note the eyes rolling).
This weekend, however, I had a goal: To sleep in past 7:00. Pfffffft. Fat chance. It was 6:30 and I was already staring at the ceiling, bored. I scrunched my eyes and tried to send messages to my brain telling it to go to sleep. My brain was already "up an at 'em " though so resistance was futile. I tried anyways. I ignored the messages my brain was sending me like "Get up!" and "the day has just started!" when those failed to work my brain decided to try and make me feel guilty by telling me that I was "being to lazy for a 13 year old" and " if I wanted to continue being awesome I had better get off this bed right now." I tried telling my brain to shut up but that never works does it? The ironic thing is, come Monday when my alarm goes off my brain is all like " Nooooooo! I don't want to get up" and I am all like "Yeeeees I must get up" and I have a silent argument in my head that usually lasts for 10 minutes.Then I realize that i am being a complete dork and rush downstairs to enjoy the rest of the morning.
You see, the only reason i get up early is to have some "peace and quiet" (not likely because the kids next door are screaming and the cats are meowing) before I have to trudge back upstairs and do some Algebra. Lately, however, Thing 1 and Thing 2 have been getting up early , I have a theory that they are doing this just to annoy me, and so I cannot enjoy my mornings as I used to. 

But anyways... I need to be going because I have a "life" and a "reputation to hold up" (yeah right) so TTFN. 

Ps. Those of you who do not know what TTFN means, it is time to back to watching Tigger.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

On the weekend

Pictures i took from his weekend. I was glad we got to go to the souks because it felt as if i was finally meeting Dubai. It also reminded me a bit of Thailand <3
Za'abeel park

The beginning of the Textile Souk

Everywhere i go, Korea follows

The spice Souk