I decided to make this post on Nestle, for those of you who have no idea whats behind that Kit-Kat you're eating.
Nestle is responsible for 50% of the worlds breast milk substitute, they encourage mothers to stop breastfeeding and start bottle feeding. There are numerous studies that show children whose mother's breastfeed them are smarter and much healthier than those who were bottle fed. Being breastfed helps the baby to fight diseases better, results also show that premature babies grow faster if they are breastfed.
Nestle also owns Neastea. Nestea does many horrible, inhumane, unethical, tests on animals.According to PETA ( peta.org) these animals are decapitated, poisoned, electrically shocked, surgically mutilated and so much more. Normally these tests are carried out on rats and mice. Many people don't really care because, who likes rats anyway. WRONG! What has an innocent, small white rat ever done to harm you? Surely they did not stuff you in a dark room and force-feed you tea leaves to see your reaction. If you ask me, these test are pointless and it's unbelievably unfair to conduct them on animals that have never done anything harmful to any of us.
Then you've got the candy section of Nestle. Until recently, I didn't know half of the products manufactured by Nestle, but let me tell you, there are a LOT. And you probably don't believe me so I am going to list them for you right here. (Note, these are not just their candy products)
Aero, ALPO, Baby Ruth, BabyNes Baker’s Complete Dog Food (UK), Beneful Dog Food, Boost, Buitoni, Butterfinger, Cailler Chocolate,California Pizza Kitchen, Carnation, Cat Chow, Cerelac, Chef, Chef Michaels, Chef Mate, Cheerios Cereal, Chocapic, Chips A’Hoy, Cini Minis, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Coffee-Mate, Cookie Crisp, Crunch, Digiorno Pizza, Dog Chow, Dryers Ice Cream Family (Grand, Slow Churned, Dibs and Fruit Bars), Edy’s Ice Cream, Enviga, Estrelitas, Extreme Ice Cream, Fancy Feast, Felix, Fitness, Friskies, Gerber, Gerber Graduates, Goobers, GoodStart, Gourmet Cat Food, Häagen-Dazs , Herta, Hot Pockets, IceBreakers, Jenny Craig, Juicy Juice, Kit Kat, La Laitière , Lean Cuisine, Libby’s Juice, Maggi, Milky Bar, Milo, Minor’s, Mövenpick Ice Cream, NaturNes, Nescafe, Nespresso, Nesquik, Nestea, Nestle Ice Cream, Nestle Pure Life Water, Nestrum, Nido, Nutren Junior, Oh Henry, Orion Chocolate, Papa Guiseppi, Peptamen, Perrier, Poland Spring, Power Bar, Purina, Purina Pro Plan, Purina One, Raisenets, Resource, S.Pellegrino, Shredded Wheat Cereal, Skinny Cow, Sjora, Smarties, Stouffers, Trix Cereal, Tollhouse Brands, Tombstone Pizza, Thomy, Turtles, Wonka Candy.
Beauty Products: Biotherm, Cosmence, Garnier,Georgio Armani, Ralph Lauren, Diesel, Helena Rubenstein. Innéov ,La Roche-Posay, Kielhl, Cacharel, Softsheen, Lancome, L'Oreal, Matrix, Maybelline, Metamorphosis, Plénitude, Redken, Viktor & Rolf, YSL beauty products, Maison Martin Margiela, and The Body Shop
I don't even think that's all of it. Now look at that list. Now look at it again. Think about how many of those things you may eat every single day. So now you know all of the things Nestle produces, you may start to think what is wrong with them. Why can't you enjoy your Kit-Kat in your morning break? Or drink your Milo? Well, while you are munchy munchy on that Kit-Kat of yours, thousands of orangutans in Indonesia and other countries are being killed as their trees are being ripped down for the valuable palm oil that is used in all of Nestle's chocolates. If you have a very (and i mean very) strong stomach take a look at this video
Please don't blame me if you have nightmares for ages after you watch that, i warned you,but it is the truth. Harsh yes, but the truth. So many of you out there may have read this but still think (dramatic voice) " I can't live without my Rolo and what about the Kit-Kat! Where would we be without those?! WHERE WOULD WE BE?!" (dramatic sigh) . Well, have I got news for you! We have lived for thousands of years without Nestle's chocolates and if we have become so dependent on those petty things that if you don't consume them we may perish,that's just very very sad.
So now you know the truth, next time you bite into a Bar One, think about the small, baby orangutan you just killed.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Friday, 25 November 2011
Ok so is it just me or does everyone else get a warm tingly feeling whenever they open their blog and see that more people have had a looksie on it?? Well, I just got one now and I thank everyone that has looked at my blog and read a paragraph from the bottom of my heart, you inspire me to keep blogging.I had one of my brainstorms today and came up with a good post so... enjoy.
How to have a completely unproductive day
Step number the one: When your morning alarm goes off, think about getting up but don't.
Step number the two: Make a looonnnggg list of all the things you are supposed to do today, example, fix the leaky pipe under the sink, Wash the floors etc.
Step number the three: Stare at your long list for a while and think about which one not to do first.
Step number the four: Get up, walk to each room of the house, turning on the light switch in each room,then turning it off again.
Take a well earned nap
Step number the six:Make a bowl of cereal and leave it to go soggy.
Step number the seven: Go to the phone and start punching in the numbers of your friends phone numbers, decide to meet them at the movies, as soon as they answer, hang up.
Step number the eight: Mope around the house aimlessly
Step number the nine: Go and get some beauty sleep
Well done! You have now had a miserable, unproductive, unsuccessful day.
You win the grand prize
How to have a completely unproductive day
Step number the one: When your morning alarm goes off, think about getting up but don't.
Step number the two: Make a looonnnggg list of all the things you are supposed to do today, example, fix the leaky pipe under the sink, Wash the floors etc.
Step number the three: Stare at your long list for a while and think about which one not to do first.
Step number the four: Get up, walk to each room of the house, turning on the light switch in each room,then turning it off again.
Take a well earned nap
Step number the six:Make a bowl of cereal and leave it to go soggy.
Step number the seven: Go to the phone and start punching in the numbers of your friends phone numbers, decide to meet them at the movies, as soon as they answer, hang up.
Step number the eight: Mope around the house aimlessly
Step number the nine: Go and get some beauty sleep
Well done! You have now had a miserable, unproductive, unsuccessful day.
You win the grand prize
Monday, 21 November 2011
It's 8:30 am and all five of us are strapped up and ready to go. We push our destination into the GPS while trying to get the heating to work (it had suddenly dropped from the beautiful, sunny 24 degrees to a freezing 9). The GPS doesn't know that a whole new bridge has been built to Busan, reducing the 2 hour drive to a mere 45 mins, or so we were told. So we just decided to drive on the new bridge and follow the GPS when we got to Busan. The sun was glittering on the sea, and the trees blowing in the cold wind. I wish that I could be sitting by the window dreaming instead of being squashed between two little mokeys singing 'soft kitty warm kitty'. The new bridge takes you over the sea and under an island, the gps was freaking out and screaming "Route Recalculation". Soon it just shut up and shows our little orange-happy-days-bus driving over the ocean. We finally get off the bridge and arrive near Busan, we buy some warm chestnuts off a very energetic guy and , after ruby, river and i decide that we dislike them, mom and dad eat them all. The GPS came back to it's senses and we began following it, assuming it knew the way. We assumed wrong. The GPS took us through a wide range of district roads, tollgates and u-turns. It took us another two hours to get to our destination. And where did we land up? In an old derelict part of town with no sign of life anywhere around.Big. Fat.DOH! so we ate our sandwhiches and try to figure out the spelling of Haeundae , a beach near where we wanted to go. Of course it wasn't how we spelt it at all and when w eventually arrived at the shopping mall it was already 12 o'clock. We drove down the spiral road and into the parking lot, where the first floor was reserved for handicapped people. so we take the nearest road up, thinking it will take us to the next floor. Wong again! It just took us straight out and we had to try explain to the tollgate lady that we hadn't spent long enough in the parking lot to pay. We park and head into the shopping mall where we then go aallll the way up to the top floor and then alllllll the way down because we discover that we are actually in the wrong building altogether.
The ice-skating rink isn't sardine-packed but packed enough to make you a bit nervous. There are kids falling left right and center. Kids swimming against the flow, kids fighting , kids on their phone while ice-skating and kids trying to take pictures of themselves in the middle of the way. Ruby gets the hang of it quickly and river spaghetti legs could finally get off the side (with the help of mother).
After 3 hours of full on ice-skating we stumble off the ice and gulp down cups of water and slip on our shoes. We wonder around the shop and mom drags us into a apple store where we browse through all the high tec, super computers. Mom is looking at a particular computer when she pressed a certain thingy ma bop and taa daa!! Up pops a little camera that does all those funny facial morphs. One makes your eyes ginormous, another your forehead. We could have spent HOURS in front of that computer, pulling faces , and we almost did, but then an angry Korean huffed and we shuffled out of there A.S.A.P.
We strolled past all the other shops selling shoes, handbags and ice-cream!! We sat licking our cones, and walking towards the food hall, where we devoured two bowls of Korean bibimbap( a hot bowl of rice topped with assorted vegetables and a spicy tomato paste.) It was scrumptious and with a full tummy we started to head home.
The ice-skating rink isn't sardine-packed but packed enough to make you a bit nervous. There are kids falling left right and center. Kids swimming against the flow, kids fighting , kids on their phone while ice-skating and kids trying to take pictures of themselves in the middle of the way. Ruby gets the hang of it quickly and river spaghetti legs could finally get off the side (with the help of mother).
After 3 hours of full on ice-skating we stumble off the ice and gulp down cups of water and slip on our shoes. We wonder around the shop and mom drags us into a apple store where we browse through all the high tec, super computers. Mom is looking at a particular computer when she pressed a certain thingy ma bop and taa daa!! Up pops a little camera that does all those funny facial morphs. One makes your eyes ginormous, another your forehead. We could have spent HOURS in front of that computer, pulling faces , and we almost did, but then an angry Korean huffed and we shuffled out of there A.S.A.P.
We strolled past all the other shops selling shoes, handbags and ice-cream!! We sat licking our cones, and walking towards the food hall, where we devoured two bowls of Korean bibimbap( a hot bowl of rice topped with assorted vegetables and a spicy tomato paste.) It was scrumptious and with a full tummy we started to head home.
Friday, 18 November 2011
Aaahhh..... The joys of being able to get up at whatever time you like, read, knit, relax. I think Saturday has to be my favourite day. I am uber excited because we have decided to go up to Busan tomorrow for Sunday, and the only thing we really go up there for is ice-skating!!!! I adore ice-skating, I'm not brilliant but I don't have to hold on the bar and I can go backwards. Mwahahaa. I guess rollerskating does help. Ice-skating feels so much smoother though, and a bit easier.
I' m hoping to get a unicycle form mother and father for my birthday in only 12 days (!!!!) but it is quite hard to convince them. I love unicycles and how they are so odd. Behind our house we have a long strip of tar, which is covered in holes that are invisible from far away so you'll be riding along, talking to your buddy and the next thing you know you'll be on the ground face first. I think that i will be good enough before we go home that I can ride there. Anyway... I'm rambling on. Well, I'm going to get back to my do nothing, relaxing, magnificent, day :)
I' m hoping to get a unicycle form mother and father for my birthday in only 12 days (!!!!) but it is quite hard to convince them. I love unicycles and how they are so odd. Behind our house we have a long strip of tar, which is covered in holes that are invisible from far away so you'll be riding along, talking to your buddy and the next thing you know you'll be on the ground face first. I think that i will be good enough before we go home that I can ride there. Anyway... I'm rambling on. Well, I'm going to get back to my do nothing, relaxing, magnificent, day :)
Monday, 14 November 2011
The big 1-0
Work, Work, Work. Grammar, multiplying polynomials, chloroplasts and photons. My head just feels like one big... big.. explosion. The weekend was pretty fantastical (wink) and I wish it hadn't gone by so fast! The weeks seem to fly by here which is both a good and bad thing.The days themselves so by at normal speed but one day it will be Monday and then before you know it it's Thursday again! I wish days were a bit longer, I never get enough time to do all the things I want to do. Ok so maybe i am complaining a bit... I confess
I am also finding that words are not on my side at this time of my not- long- lived life. I am struggling to think of the words for this post. I guess I may have writers block but how inconvenient, i am in the middle of a writing one of my first complete stories. The problem is that I have a tendency to write a good first and second chapter but then my words fail me and it turns into a giant, boring mess. I want to become a journalist when I am older and write about anything and everything i can. That's why I adore having a blog because i can post whatever i like and if someone doesn't read it it doesn't matter because at least I will have put it out there.I don't know who looked at it and if they didn't like it (unless they put a nasty remark which in which I highly advise against). However, if anyone has any writing advice for a learner writer like me then I will be happy to take it.
I am also finding that words are not on my side at this time of my not- long- lived life. I am struggling to think of the words for this post. I guess I may have writers block but how inconvenient, i am in the middle of a writing one of my first complete stories. The problem is that I have a tendency to write a good first and second chapter but then my words fail me and it turns into a giant, boring mess. I want to become a journalist when I am older and write about anything and everything i can. That's why I adore having a blog because i can post whatever i like and if someone doesn't read it it doesn't matter because at least I will have put it out there.I don't know who looked at it and if they didn't like it (unless they put a nasty remark which in which I highly advise against). However, if anyone has any writing advice for a learner writer like me then I will be happy to take it.
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Woman of the Future
Woman of the future
I am a child
I am a book of memories
I am my mothers eyes as blue as the ocean
I am my fathers energy
Never able to sit down
I am all I see
People struggling for their lives
The ocean waves crashing on the shore
The fresh pages of a new book
Children skipping to school
Animals fascinating and unique
I am all I hear
Parents praising me
Parents shouting at others
Stories from the past
Stories about the future
Wind and rain in winter
Shouts of joy and ice cream bells in summer
I am all I feel and taste
My mothers cookies and bread
The sand between my toes
Soft but rough, wet and squishy
And all I remember
Long roads to no where
The clouds from airplane windows
Forming castles fluffy and white
The sounds of laughter
I am all I've been taught
'Change the y into I'
'Always be responsible'
'Don't drink and drive'
I am all I think
Dreams and nightmares
Crawling inside my head
Inspiring and terrifying
I am all these things
Just like a cycle
Soon I'll be free
I'm the woman of the future
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Giant Slippers and broken springs.
'Rain rain go away, come again another day', was being muttered around the house here as it poured for the second weekend in a row. Three rabid monkeys jumped around the house, 3 days of energy stored and waiting to be used. I was sitting at the computer, knitting in one hand and a needle in the other. I was going to sew up my very first slipper, although I had a few doubts about the size i thought it was going to be perfect for mother. WRONG. My slipper didn't even fit on dads foot it was so big, plus i had knitting the squares so long that they had turned into rectangles and so I had a whole rectangle extra which i couldn't really do anything with but use as an ankle strap. Tears welled in my eyes, I had so wanted that slipper to fit perfectly on mom and had spent a lot of time knitting it. So I moped all the way to mom and shoved it in her hands, looking for some sympathy or reassurance but came up with none. Instead she just laughed, I burst into tears which only made her laugh all the more. Why?? She then remarks that it is the best laugh she has had all week. How humiliating.( See picture for details)
Sunday is an overcast yet rain free day. We lounge around waiting for dad to come home because it is hard to go anywhere without a car. Dad is soon home and in the car we go. When we are asked what we would like to do i instantly think of bouncing on a huge trampoline, practicing somesaults and cartwheels. In Korea they have little arcade type areas which have trampolines, a few arcade machines and a baseball area where a basballe is shot out of a machine and you have to try hit it. None of this is free of course or kids would be in there 24/7 but it isn't much to pay for half an hours bounce on one of their 3 trampolines. There are a few Korean kids on the trampolines but as soon as we get on one, they all shoot off and we have a whole trampoling to ourselves. Bounce, bounce, sit, bounce, I could have done that all day. Ruby and River certainly enjoyed it too , they didn't really do much jumping as everytime I tried to go higher than half a meter there legs buckled and they fall an their bums. Priceless. So they sat in the middle while I pulled a few muscles trying to get them higher than a metre of the trampoline. Around 20 minutes into our time, i am trying to beat my ultimate jumping hieght when there is a sudden thud, and I topple down. No one glances at us except for our mom and dad who are sitting on the bench, I panic and look around for the problem. Turns out I had been jumping just a liiitle to hard and 2 of the springs had bounced off. I whistle and turn away, hoping no one has noticed
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Ugly slipper's hugeness |
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THE Ugly slipper |
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Ugly slipper on my foot |
Sunday is an overcast yet rain free day. We lounge around waiting for dad to come home because it is hard to go anywhere without a car. Dad is soon home and in the car we go. When we are asked what we would like to do i instantly think of bouncing on a huge trampoline, practicing somesaults and cartwheels. In Korea they have little arcade type areas which have trampolines, a few arcade machines and a baseball area where a basballe is shot out of a machine and you have to try hit it. None of this is free of course or kids would be in there 24/7 but it isn't much to pay for half an hours bounce on one of their 3 trampolines. There are a few Korean kids on the trampolines but as soon as we get on one, they all shoot off and we have a whole trampoling to ourselves. Bounce, bounce, sit, bounce, I could have done that all day. Ruby and River certainly enjoyed it too , they didn't really do much jumping as everytime I tried to go higher than half a meter there legs buckled and they fall an their bums. Priceless. So they sat in the middle while I pulled a few muscles trying to get them higher than a metre of the trampoline. Around 20 minutes into our time, i am trying to beat my ultimate jumping hieght when there is a sudden thud, and I topple down. No one glances at us except for our mom and dad who are sitting on the bench, I panic and look around for the problem. Turns out I had been jumping just a liiitle to hard and 2 of the springs had bounced off. I whistle and turn away, hoping no one has noticed
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