Wednesday 9 November 2011

Woman of the Future

Woman of the future


I am a child

I am a book of memories

I am my mothers eyes as blue as the ocean

I am my fathers energy

Never able to sit down

I am all I see

People struggling for their lives

The ocean waves crashing on the shore

The fresh pages of a new book

Children skipping to school

Animals fascinating and unique

I am all I hear

Parents praising me

Parents shouting at others

Stories from the past

Stories about the future

Wind and rain in winter

Shouts of joy and ice cream bells in summer

I am all I feel and taste

My mothers cookies and bread

The sand between my toes

Soft but rough, wet and squishy

And all I remember

Long roads to no where

The clouds from airplane windows

Forming castles fluffy and white

The sounds of laughter

I am all I've been taught

'Change the y into I'

'Always be responsible'

'Don't drink and drive'

I am all I think

Dreams and nightmares

Crawling inside my head

Inspiring and terrifying

I am all these things

Just like a cycle

Soon I'll be free

I'm the woman of the future

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